Thursday 21 January 2010

Still on the sales letter!

Well, I'm still trying to get this sales letter to sound interesting and make people want to buy my products. I think I'm getting there. I've emailed the second draft over to Andrew and he thinks it's much better than the original - yippee! I was about to give up and get someone else to do it. Maybe it's just me but I have found it really challenging to write and would quite happily let someone else do the next one. Anyway, almost done, just need to make a few more changes then I think it might be ready to go.

If you want to try using a software to create your sales letter then Brett McFall has one which helps called Burpies. It gives you a basic template to work from and you just have to fill in the blanks. It certainly helped me to start my sales letter but you do still have to put in the effort to write the content. I'm sure there is other software out there but this is the only one I have tried so far.

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