Sunday 24 January 2010


Well, the last few days have been very challenging and I have not be able to work as much on my internet business as I would've liked. However, I did still find some time to find out about opt-in pages and traffic generation. It's key to create a database of potential purchasers as soon as possible so it is a good idea to use an 'opt-in' or 'landing' page before showing your main sales page. Luckily, an opt-in page is a lot shorter than a sales letter so I was certainly more relaxed about creating one.

Basically, an opt-in page offers something to the visitor for free ie. a free ebook/dvd/interview etc. in exchange for their details. I have created a page which offers a free 31-page ebook about cash building strategies. You can take a look at it at Once someone has subscribed to it you can then inform them of other products you have available.

I had a few issues with uploading my opt-in page and main sales letter on the same domain but my hosting company Godaddy were great and sorted everything out for me.

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