Friday 22 January 2010

Six Keys To Internet Success

I have been reading 'How To Make Money While You Sleep' by Brett McFall today and he says that the 6 keys to internet success are:

1. You don't need to know everything to succeed.
2. The internet is the cheapest place to fail.
3. Outsource much of your work - you can use a fulfilment house to send your products but in the beginning do it yourself. You can find web designers/writers etc. online.
4. Target niche markets - you don't have to create something from scratch - find a starving market.
5. Give people what they want.
6. Let software do most of the work for you.

Sound advice I think. One of his first products was a scrapbooking ebook. He created a website asking for peoples questions about scrapbooking then spent money on Google Adwords promoting it. By doing this it allowed him to test and measure his idea to see if anyone was interested. He received 30 questions which he sent to a writer he hired from to write the book (80 pages).

He then paid Google Adwords again to promote the book and emailed a copy of it for free to the 30 people who wrote the first questions asking for their thoughts on the book which he then used as testimonials.

Well, it sounds pretty straight forward and a really good way of getting started online and also find out whether people would be interested in your idea. I'll have to give it a try!

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