Wednesday 20 January 2010

Sales Letters!!

This is the part I have been dreading - writing a sales letter! Now I know my english is fairly good (and I did get two B's in my GCSE for english) but I'm certainly no copywriter. Where do I start? Well, I've decided to scour the internet for examples of copywriting to see what other people have done and get some ideas. You are allowed to use some of their ideas but you can not copy word for word. You have to re-write it in your own words.

I've found lots of great examples and I'm pouring over them day and night to get some ideas for my sales letters. So far it's going ok. I've managed to draft about 5-6 pages but I've been told I need at least 12 pages!! Wow, who wants to read 12 pages of a sales pitch? Well, it's not for me to question why I suppose. If that's how internet marketers have made their millions, who am I to argue with it.

One quick way of writing a sales letter is to outsource it to a writer on They can create something for you from as little as £100. It's best to check someone's feedback first as using the cheapest is not always the best idea. I have posted a request on Elance for some help and had some interesting proposals. Before I decide whether or not to get someone else to do it, I think I'll continue with it myself first to see how I go and if it's really not that great, I'll let someone else lose sleep over it!

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